Expired Reliable Recalls

Event Phone: 613-667-9948

We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.
  •  Wednesday, April 8, 2020
     6:30 pm - 9:00 pm
    Total spaces remaining: 8

Does your dog come to you when you call him? What if another playful dog, or a fluffy squirrel, was running nearby? Does he dance just out of reach when it is time to head home from the dog park? Does he sheepishly walk towards you, or does he come running at a full sprint when called? If your dog’s recall is anything other than fast and reliable – 100% of the time – than this workshop is for you! You will be taken through exercises that will help you learn how to best motivate your dog during training, and how to help your dog overcome difficult distractions. During the workshop you will work with your dog as you learn the foundation and recall training exercises that will be the key to building a fast reliable recall.

Class Size: 8 working spots , 12 audit spots

Prerequisites for working spot: 2 x DHPP, 12+ weeks of age, people/dog friendly dog

Prerequisites for auditors: None

Format: 1 evening, 2.5 – 3 hours in length

Price:   Working spot – $30, Auditor – $15

You will be required to bring a crate, and to crate your dog when it is not involved in an exercise.   If you are unable or unwilling to do so, please sign up as an auditor instead!


Venue Phone: 613-667-9948

2413-7 Stevenage Dr., Ottawa, On, Canada, K1G 3W1