Event Phone: 613-667-9948
Friday, March 23, 2018
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Total spaces remaining: 14
Dogs with Jobs is a winter lecture series, covering many of the roles that dogs play in the modern world. All proceeds from these presentations will go directly and entirely to the Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dog Association, a registered charitable organization.
Adrien McNaughton went missing during a Calabogie family fishing trip in 1972. No sign of him was ever found.
In December 2015, Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dogs were asked to search for his remains, as part of the CBC podcast Someone Knows Something. What happened next was completely unexpected.
With the permission of the CBC and SKS producer David Ridgen, OVSARDA has been given permission to speak about what happened during this search. Cadaver dog handler Kim Cooper will cover the mission, the search strategies and the surprising events. For podcast junkies, you will get to see previously unreleased video of the dogs on the site.
This presentation is for humans only, so please leave your dog at home. We’re hoping for a full house – so bring along a chair, a note pad and all of your questions!
Start time is 7:00pm. Event is expected to last 1.5 – 2 hrs.
Venue: Best Friends Dog Training
Venue Phone: 613-667-9948